Sunday School Classes and Small Groups

Our Sunday School classes and small groups are a vital part of

Discipleship at Mt. Sylvan. 

We have Sunday School classes for every age group, and they meet Sunday

mornings at 9:30 am.  Small groups meet throughout the week, both on and off

the church campus.

There's something for everyone!  If you would like help finding the right class, contact the person listed below, or email the office at  

We'd love to help you get connected!

  • Sunday School Classes:

    Action Class

    Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in person and on Zoom

    A medium-sized adult class. Typically study the Cokesbury Quarterly Adult Bible studies based on the current lectionary readings but deviate any time they find a book or topic they want to study. 

    Main Contact: Ruth Booth (919-471-4392)

    Genesis Class

    Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in person and on Google Meet.

    Smaller group discussion based on a video or book. Past studies have included Adam Hamilton, Max Lucado, and also books of the Bible. We vary in age from the late 20s to 60. Members are also involved in missions, mainly local but occasionally worldwide. 

    Main Contact: Thomas Givens (Phone: 919-606-0882)

    Wesley Class

    Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in person and on Zoom

    A large group of older mostly retired couples and singles with lecture-style teaching on various Biblical subjects. Typically the class studies the quarterly Adult Bible Studies based on the current lectionary readings.

    Children's Ministry

    Sunday mornings in Children's Ministry Tree House (Children's Center). 9:00-10:15am

    Preschool/Younger Elementary Class
    Upper Elementary Class

    In our Children's Ministry Sunday School we are following the Grow curriculum where each month becomes a new themed adventure as we explore and grow through scripture, music, crafts, and fellowship! 

    Main Contact: Heather Thompson (

    Youth Ministry

    Sunday morning at 9:30 in the youth room

    This group is open to all middle and high schoolers!  We are following a curriculum called "A Year with Jesus."  Students read a passage from Scripture and then discuss it together through some interesting questions.  We're getting to know our friend Jesus together.  If that's not enough to tempt your student, we often have doughnuts or other breakfast snacks :) 

    The class is taught by Caleb McCluskey and Allen Andrews.

    Main Contact: Libba McCluskey (


    4Cs Class

    Thursday mornings from 10:30am to 12:00pm

    This women's group meets in person in the chapel and also via Zoom.

    The name 4Cs comes from words we would like to have guide us as we strengthen our faith together: compassion, community, caring, and concern.  Our group consists of confidentiality, purpose, schedule, acceptance, and praying for each other.

    In the last few years, we have been studying The Upper Room Disciplines, a book of daily devotions that is published each year.  If you are looking for a Bible study, please come check us out.  We have a wonderful group who enjoy studying God's word and fellowshipping together.

    Main Contact: Sandy Rowe

    The ABCs of Religion

    Wednesday mornings at 11:30am

    This group meets on Zoom.

    Join Pastor Kathie and her father Dr. Sherrill Stevens on Zoom to discuss his book The ABCs of Religion: The Origin and Development of Religious Thought and Practices. To sign up contact Pastor Kathie or the Church Office.

    Main contact: Kathie Wilkinson ( or the church office (

    More Than Neighbors

    2nd Saturday of every month

    The "More Than Neighbors" racial reconciliation group meets the 2nd Saturday of every month. This is a group made of up of multiple local churches and is aligned with the Methodist church's commitment to racial equity and justice. They meet to discuss the state of race relations in our community within the framework of our shared Christian faith.

    Questions contact Kit Chappell, Rosalyn Pettyford, or Sandy Rowe.

    Youth Small Group

    Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm on evenings that we have Wednesday Night Dinners.

    This group meets in the Youth Room.

    Main contact: Libba McCluskey (